Ferrotec Holdings Corporation conducts various technological services and manufactures and sells semiconductor and FPD manufacturing equipment parts including consumable products and thermal element "thermoelectric modules" as core products of the Electronic Device Business Segment, and various products in the photovoltaic related business. Ferrotec Group consists of 42 subsidiaries (35 consolidated subsidiaries, 1 non-consolidated equity accounting method held subsidiary, 5 equity accounting method held affiliated companies, 1 non-equity accounting method held non-consolidated subsidiary).
Ferrotec was born as a company with highly unique technologies including thermoelectric modules with uses in thermal elements and vacuum technologies that respond to magnetic fluids that were born from the NASA space program in the 1980s. Over the course of its 30 year history of operations, the Company has developed a wide range of diverse technologies with applications in the automobile, electronics, next generation energy and other industries. As a transnational company, Ferrotec deploys its businesses in Japan, Europe, the Americas, China, and Asia, and boasts of marketing, development, manufacturing, sales, and management capabilities in various countries and regions. A holding company structure was implemented from April 2017.
<Corporate Philosophy and Code of Conduct>
Corporate Philosophy
Bringing Satisfaction to Customers
Caring About the Environment
Providing Dreams and Vitality to the World
Code of Conduct
Our Company and its employees will endeavor to harmonize with the global society, and act with sincerity firmly based upon our corporate philosophy and social common sense. In addition, we will observe the laws and ordinances of each country, as a company which supplies products and services which contribute to the lives of people around the world.
Ferrotec Group's goal is to offer high quality products and services in the realms of "new energy" and "electronics," and gain the trust of customers by satisfying them through the provision of price competitive products and services.
Ferrotec Group will proactively promote activities that take the global environment into consideration as one of our most important management tasks and to adapt to the latest environment control technologies to our products and services. In addition, we seek to develop material, products, and services that can be utilized in "new energy" applications and as part of our efforts to resolve various problems confronting the global environment.
Ferrotec Group seeks to contribute to society by leveraging our core technologies and to be a company which continuously satisfies the expectations of our customers, stockholders, employees, clients, communities, and other stakeholders. Furthermore, all of our activities will be conducted to remain in strict compliance with laws, ordinances, social orders, international rules and social common sense.
<Business Segments>
Ferrotec's operations can be divided between the Equipment Related business segment, where Vacuum Feedthrough, quartz products, and other ceramic products used in semiconductor, FPD, and LED related manufacturing equipment are produced, the Electronic Device Business Segment, where thermoelectric module application products are made, and the photovoltaic business segment, where silicon crystal, PV wafers, and crucibles used in crystal manufacturing devices are produced. In fiscal year March 2018, sales of the Equipment Related, electronic device, and Photovoltaic Related Business Segments accounted for 48.7%, 14.0% and 23.1% (FY3/17 = 43.7%, 17.1% and 25.4%) of total sales respectively, while saw blades, equipment part cleaning, machine tool, and other products not included in reported segments accounted for 14.1% (FY3/17 = 13.8%).
Equipment Related Business
Ferrotec provides total engineering services in the Equipment Related business segment, including the manufacture and sale of Vacuum Feedthrough of equipment parts for solar power, semiconductor, FPD and LED applications, consumable products used in manufacturing of devices, quartz products, ceramic products, CVD-SiC products, silicon wafer processing and equipment cleaning services.
The main product of Vacuum Feedthrough boasts of top market share in the world, and is a functional part that insulates the interior of manufacturing equipment from gas and dust contamination while supporting rotating action of the above mentioned equipment. These Vacuum Feedthrough use magnetic fluids (Fluids that respond to magnetic fields), which has been a core technology of Ferrotec since its founding. Because of instability in these applications arising from their link with corporate capital investments cycles, the Company focuses its marketing efforts upon expanding sales to applications for which demand is more stable, including transportation equipment, precision robots, and general industry usages. In addition, Ferrotec has also focused its efforts upon assuming consigned manufacture of vacuum chambers that use Vacuum Feedthrough and gate valves (Both use vacuum related equipment).
At the same time, quartz, ceramic, and CVD-SiC products are critical elements in the process of semiconductor manufacturing. Quartz products are able to resist high temperature conditions that exist in the semiconductor manufacturing process, and are a high purity silica glass product that protects semiconductors from undergoing chemical reaction by preventing it from activating with gas. The Company boasts of semiconductor manufacturing equipment manufacturers as their main clients in Japan and overseas who purchase ceramic products, which are Ferrotec's core material and technology. At the same time, semiconductor inspection tools for machinable ceramics and fine ceramics used in semiconductor manufacturing equipment are two main products in this realm.
CVD-SiC products are the term used to describe SiC products manufactured by "CVD method (Chemical Vapor Deposition method)" (created from compounds of silicon and carbon gas). Currently, semiconductor equipment and structural parts are provided, and research and development for products used in aeronautics and space (Turbine, mirrors), automobile (Power semiconductors), energy (Nuclear power related), information technology (Semiconductor manufacturing equipment parts) and other applications are also being conducted. Ferrotec is leveraging its strengths and capabilities in six Inch diameter silicon wafer processing to expand into eight Inch wafers, and boasts of the top share of the manufacturing equipment parts cleaning market in China.
Electronic Device Business
Thermal element "thermoelectric modules" are products that can instantly raise or lower temperatures to a highly precise degree and are a core product of this business. Thermoelectric modules are used primarily in heated automobile seats, and also in a wide range of other applications including heated wafers in semiconductor manufacturing equipment, genetic analysis equipment, optical communications, and consumer electronics. Ferrotec is also working on developing new demand and expanding further applications through cost reduction and quality improvement through development of new products using high performance materials and introduction of automated lines. Earnings of magnetic fluids, including applications currently being developed for use in fishing reels (Water protecting internal seals) and speakers for 4K televisions, are also conducted.
Photovoltaic Business
Ferrotec entered the photovoltaic related business in 2005, and manufactures and sells silicon crystal manufacturing equipment, consumable products including quartz crucibles, and silicon products used in photovoltaic applications. Based upon the current needs of the market, the Company is conducting manufacture and sales of silicon-use multiple crystal vessels (Manufactured using quartz processing technologies), single crystal crucibles manufactured when making ingots, and consigned manufacturing of silicon crystal ingots and wafers used in photovoltaic substrates. The Company is promoting transfer of technologies cultivated in the photovoltaic product realm to high value added semiconductor applications.